Government Polytechnic College Jammu organized an Expert Lecture on the Topic overview of Gladni Grid Station for the students of Electrical Engineering Department under the guidance of Er. Arun Bangotra Principal Govt. Polytechnic College Jammu and Er. Manjeet Singh H.O.D Electrical Engineering Department. Er. Bandana Manhas Assistant Engineer TLMSD -I Gladni (JKPTCL) was the resource Person for the expert talk. In order to provide an opportunity of learning for the students these types of Expert lecture plays an important role for students growth of learning.
Er. Bandana Manhas (Resource Person) elaborated the students regarding the overview of Gladni grid station along with Components installed inside the Gladni grid station.During the Expert lecture students came to know about total capacity of the grid station (710 MVA), different Electrical equipments installed and used in the grid station for Transmission and Protection.she also explained the general process of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Power in addition to that how electrical Power is received at 220 KV and the Voltage is step down with the help of step down Transformer in various stages and further distributed to consumers with the help of Sub Transmission system.