Shiv Sena (UT) Jammu-Kashmir unit held a strong protest against the recovery of more than the marked price by the liquor sellers and strong demonstrations were done demanding the formation of complaint cell, making bill compulsory and strict action like cancellation of license from the department.
Shiv Sainiks gathered at Indira Chowk in Jammu under the leadership of party state chief Manish Sahni, held strong demonstrations holding placards with slogans like “Stop illegal recovery on liquor”, “Formation of complaint cell, make bill compulsory”, “Cancel license on illegal recovery”.
Sahni termed this illegal recovery as a big scam in liquor sale and demanded the formation of complaint cells, making bill compulsory on sale and strict action like cancellation of license from the department to curb it.
Sahni said that the shopkeepers involved in this illegal extortion do not show any fear. On raising objections against this illegal extortion, these shopkeepers fearlessly start misbehaving and cite the need to pay higher officials. Sahni said that this illegal extortion increases manifold in far flung areas and Kashmir division. In Kashmir, tourists are openly being charged double the price.
Sahni said that the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir claims corruption-free administration, to prove which the Excise Department will have to take strict action. Along with this, the Excise Inspectors should keep a close watch on the liquor sellers in their areas so that this illegal extortion can be curbed. Sahni also submitted a memorandum to the Commissioner of the Department demanding strict action.