Chenab Velley Power Project Limited (CVPPPL) signed contract agreement with M/s Patel Engineering Ltd. on Tuesday (15.06.2020) for Construction of Diversion Tunnel, Concrete Gravity Dam, Intake, Pressure Shafts, Underground Power House and Tail Race Tunnels, Civil Package valued at Rs 2240.27 crores for 624 MWKiru Hydro Electric Project, Kishtwar district of Jammu and Kashmir.
Earlier, Contracts for Supply Erection Testing and Commissioning of Hydro Mechanical Work Packages of this project was signed on 11th of this month with M/s PES Engineers Pvt Ltd. at a value of Rs. 202.10 Crores.
The project will be constructed on Chenab River in distt Kishtwar and will have 135 mtrs high Concrete Gravity Dam and 4 nos 5.7 mtr Dia Circular Shaped Pressure Shafts. It will generate 2272 MU of electricity in 90% dependable year.