Today, Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), Jammu and Kashmir Branch Office (JKBO) organized Manak Manthan on Packaged Drinking Water (Other than Packaged Natural Mineral Water). Discussion was held on major changes involved in revised Indian Standards IS 14543:2024 at Four Points by Sherton, Srinagar. The objective of the discussion was to take inputs from the manufacturers of related industry and discuss the provisions of standard keeping in mind the technical as well as user perspective.
Shri Pankaj Atri, Joint Director, BIS-JKBO welcomed the participants and gave overview of the program. He also briefed the participants about the initiatives taken by BIS to encourage stakeholder involvement at grassroot level in all activities which will not only help in technical upgradation of national standards but will also broaden their reach to end the users. Shri Atri detailed the Programme Objectives and shared his views on the Packaged Drinking Water industry in various parts on country and emphasized the importance of Make in India initiatives. BIS has revised its guidelines for surveillance based on the dynamic and risk based approach.
The manufacturers were apprised of these guidelines, which will be implemented from 1 st June 2024. Later, Shri Rajkumar, Assistant Director, BIS-JKBO detailed the changes involved in the revised standard Packaged Drinking Water IS 14543:2024 and their implementation requirement to licensee. He also detailed deliberations on Scheme of Inspection and Testing of Packaged Drinking Water and their failure analysis. A number of technical and editorial comments were received which will be forwarded to the related technical committee for further deliberations.
In the last Various features of BIS website such as Know Your Standards, BIS website and BIS Care App were also explained. The sessions were made interactive through open house discussions by various industries in Kashmir Valley.
The meeting was attended by participants from more than 30 different industries.