GDC Udhampur celebrated International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.

As part of the programs on Nasha Mukt Bharat, in the continuity of Azadi ka Amrut Mahaotsav to make the rising India aware and free of addiction, the Narco Coordination Centre (NCORD), NSS, Red Ribbon Club, NCC of Govt. Degree College Udhampur in Collaboration with Yuva Soch Yuva Bharat celebrated the “International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking” on 26th June 2024.

The Programme was organized under the Patronship of Prof (Dr) Sanjay Kumar Verma, esteemed Principal of the college. On this Occasion, an awareness lecture was organized by NCORD cell under the convenorship of Prof Shobna Samyal, while Dr Piyali Arora, Head Department of Psychology was resource person on the occasion.

In his message, the chief patron and Principal of the college, Prof (Dr) Sanjay Kumar Verma advised the students to focus on their studies, and maintain their peace of mind and harmony through Yoga, meditation and by reading the biographies of great persons like Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, Rabindranath Tagore and others. He said that Youth is the future of the nation, and by building a strong Youth, we can build a strong future for our great country.

Prior to this Prof Shobna Samyal, Convener NCORD cell of the college welcome the guests and the participants and also broke the Ice by deliberating on the concern of the growing Drug Menace and exploring various ways and means for its total eradication.

In her expert interaction with the students, Dr Piyali Arora discussed in detail the various facets of drug de-addiction, and the remedies which are available for de-addiction. She also discussed the various hazards which expose the youth to such ailments, and ways in which students can safeguard themselves from the evil of drug abuse.

Her main focus was on mental health involved with drug abuse. She also talked about the present status of drug menace in India and in particular, Udhampur district. Most addicts are between the age group of 15 and 35, and many are unemployed. She further mentioned how the COVID-19 has disrupted the lives of people and presented unique challenges for people with substance use disorders and in recovery. Indian Govt has already started world-wide programs to eliminate abuse of Drugs from the society and Ministry for Social Justice and Empowerment itself disclosed in the report that 272 districts are most affected in India and many programmes are being conducted in all over India to curb drug users and drug peddlers. She revealed in her lecture that the Police is working in India efficiently and she also disclosed that the district Udhampur is much affected. She further suggested the students of the college that they should be vigilant all the times and if anybody comes into their notice they should immediately share information to the nearby Police station or dial 100 and she also conveyed them that the police provides services for the identification, treatment, and rehabilitation of addicts through volunteer organizations. She also emphasized the role of society in curbing drug addiction issues. She motivated the students to adopt healthy life style and refrain from drugs. She reiterated that the students can play a pivotal role in creating awareness about drug-de-addiction in the society. She emphasized upon the need to raise mass awareness against the drugs abuse and its ill effects.

Further, she talked in detail about the ill effects of use of drugs. She briefed that the Drug menace is one of the major challenges in the society. It not only ruins the abuser but also the family and the whole society. It can be eradicated only through awareness and prevention, and our fight is with the drug menace, not with the addicted persons. She appealed each and every one to join hands in the fight against the drug menace. She exhorted upon the need to rise against drug abuse and enhance cooperation to achieve a drug-free society.

In the symposium on Drug Abuse and its Mitigation: What the Youth thinks? A number of students put forth their views strongly to curb this menace with united hands. In the competition, around eleven enthusiastic speakers namely Nitish Kalotra, Akshay Thakur, Nalin Sharma, Mohit Singh, Pershotam Singh, Akhil Brahmnu, Monika Thakur, Baljeet Singh, Ambica Thakur, Rishika Sharma and Rupali Sharma participated in the symposium on the occasion. The first position was secured by Mohit Singh, the second and third prizes were secured by Ambica Thakur and Nitish Kalotra respectively. Dr Ashok Kumar, Head Department of Mathematics, Rakesh Singh from Department of Physics and Rajesh Singh Manhas from Department of Geology were judges for the event.

At the end vote of thanks was delivered by Dr Jagjeet Singh, Staff Secretary of the college. Nitish Kalotra Senior NSS Volunteer compeered the program while many of the students from NSS Volunteers assisted in conducting the programme smoothly.

The Faculty members present on this occasion were Prof. Babu Lal Thakur, Dr Mohinder Pal, Prof Suresh Kumar Dogra, Dr Ashok Kumar Sharma, Dr Sukhchain Sharma, Prof Shivi Mehra, Dr Rozy Bamba, Dr Jagjeet Singh, Prof Rajesh Singh Manhas and others. A total of 60 students attended the
