Sahil Mahajan
Nowadays, it is a common refrain that Jammu should be given its due. Some veterans have joined the voices of a few spirited youth leaders demanding that the injustice meted out to Jammu region be undone. This is a very critical perception which prevailed in the region over the decades and continues to be sweeping minds of many a people, some powerful voices and even the lesser mortals . It is important for Jammu to raise voice for its rights , but at the same time there is a need for some exercise as to how the region reached this stage where even after 75 years of independence, the region is crying for justice.
In truer sense which may hurt some of the leaders in Jammu, the question which needs to be addressed is when and where injustice was done to the region , and who all were responsible . The injustice should not be used as a form of compliant as there is a need to bring out facts and figures. That being that, there also is the need to document how the people of Jammu, big or small, suffered not only in physical terms but also how psychological and emotional so unleashed have left a sort of a deep vacuum.
Unfortunately , there has been no such exercise. Without delving deep into the history and how the region was dictated to behave in a particular manner , its patriotism and responsibilities were invoked to keep its mindset in one particular direction . Jammu was seen as a balancing factor to the voices and acts which challenged the Indian sovereignty in other parts of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir. That methodology is still at work. Jammu made, and continues to make sacrifices for its love for the nation as the region never compromised over the national integrity . It loves India . Its youth have gone to the frontlines to defend the nation , and also within the country sacrificed to quell the terror related violence . Jammu, let it be said very categorically , always helped the Indian nation to drive its narrative in Jammu and Kashmir, then and now as well.
How could have anyone meted out injustice to the region ? This question needs a fair analysis . No one could have ever thought of doing wrong to Jammu region had there been a leadership which could stand for it . Standing for Jammu doesn’t mean, nor it should have ever meant , hauling others on coals . It was a matter of right. But the leadership in 1940s and 1950s, and all those who claim today that they took up the cause of Jammu even when they were in high positions have failed to answer why didn’t they succeed, or what were reasons for their failure.
It becomes necessary for two reasons ; one, the new generations should learn from their mistakes, secondly, it should help reverse the narrative of perennial injustice to the people of the region. There also is a necessity to spotlight their role whether they succumbed to power and pelf of the offices they held and just paid lip service to the cause of Jammu. Did they know that their actions, or the love for power and to stay there, have had disastrous effect. Today, by saying that time for Jammu’s due is now is preposterous.
These veterans should reflect on what all wrong did they do to Jammu , admit their mistakes and give a complete picture of what they faced, and how they acted or did not act . This will guide the new generations. It is of utmost urgency and necessity for the youth of today to devise a course in which there is light at the end of the tunnel , and they shouldn’t heap injustice narrative , rather rights for all should guide the outlook. A positive outlook is more important than revelling in the glorious past, and by contrast , the dark days of discrimination . There is a need for a roadmap , which , is not there in concrete terms.