Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s proposal to revamp the United Nations with the purpose of infusing multilateralism should make leaders think about this idea. The UN has played a key role in averting many a war; led peacekeeping and relief in case of natural disasters across the globe. However, over the years it has developed many inadequacies and exposed its vulnerabilities. Its funding structure has become unsustainable and lobbying for crucial positions in bodies has raised questions about its credibility and a neutral body.
More importantly, the UN lo longer reflects the aspirations of a new world where new economies are on the rise and dictatorships and autocratic regimes are under the scrutiny. The constitution of the global body – India was a founding member of the body – was done seven decades ago under a different set of circumstances that emerged from the end of the world war two and defeat of fascism in Italy and Germany. Today’s world is a different place. Countries like India are ready to reclaim their due place in the UN bodies including a seat in the UN Security Council. Ironically it was India that had backed China’s nomination as the UNSC member. Already, China’s misuse of its veto power in shielding Pakistan-based terrorists and its systematic atrocities on Uyghur Muslim in Xinxiang has made its position as a dominating power in the UN untenable. It’s behaviour in allowing the COVID pandemic to happen and ruin economies worldwide have made all countries openly question Beijing’s dealings. Its companies are snatching territories from other countries; scientist stealing data and crucial technical breakthroughs from successful companies through devious ways. Isn’t there a solid case for removing China from its key position as a permanent member of the UNSC?
The UN has to be restructured to give due representation and power share to emerging economies like India. It’s crucial since Indians represent one-sixth of humanity. The world has been looking towards India with hope for driving the global economy. Besides India’s cultural depth and history of no aggression gives the country a moral edge over others to be a permanent member of the UNSC.