Public Darbar is welcome; Hold such hearing for Displaced community also: Girdhari Lal Raina.

Former MLC & JK UT spokesperson of BJP Girdhari Lal Raina has welcomed issuance of new roster for Administrative Secretaries to conduct public darbars in various districts during the month of July.

Fresh roster has been notified, as is reported, in supersession of Government Order No 1144-JK(GAD) of 2024 dated June 5, 2024 and Government Order No 1282-JK(GAD) of 2024 dated June 26, 2024.

Government notification has provided a schedule of Administrative Secretaries of various departments detailing date and place where they will be holding the public darbar. “The Deputy Commissioners shall be responsible for organizing these darbars and shall ensure their wide publicity in districts, well in advance,” GAD order read.

This is a welcome move towards a responsive administration, he said. Ex MLC added that this step will surely act as a much needed Communication Bridge between the people and administration. Common people can bring to the notice of administrative heads problems faced by them.

He however stressed for increased frequency of such Public Darbars as every district has a large area and huge population which cannot be heard in a day at one place. More robustness is needed in this regard, GL Raina added.

Former MLC also demanded holding of such a Public Darbar in “migrant camps” for the Displaced Community as they suffer from double whammy of belonging to no district as such. They are living in territorial limits of one district in Jammu region but confront problems related to their original district in Kashmir valley, GL Raina pointed out. In such a situation one separate Darbar by any Administrative Secretary would help them raise issues of their concern in an inclusive manner, he added.

Expressing hope that LG administration will realise the necessity of such a move, GL Raina optimistically wished such a move a huge success and help accomplish the desired result.
