In order to pay obeisance to Mother Earth NSS Unit of GDC Sidhra orgainsed plantation drive under the campaign “Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam” recently launched by Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his Mann Ki Baat. Under this campaign he has urged all to contribute in making our planet better and called upon everyone in India and around the world, to plant a tree in the coming days as a tribute to their mother.
Speaking about the Plantation Drive under this campaign Principal Dr. G S Rakwal stated, “The initiative aimed to bring together students, faculty, local communities and environment enthusiasts in a collective endeavour to foster ecological sustainability. The Plantation Drive at GDC Sidhra is a testament to our heartly commitment to protect our environment and build a greener, healthier and more resilient future”. Teaching and non-teaching staff of the college along with NSS volunteers also participated in this drive. The entire campaign was executed by Dr. Purvaiya Hans, NSS Programme Officer of the college with the active support of entire NSS Unit under the able guidance of Principal of the college Dr. G S Rakwal.