The Middle-East Asia is in the cusp of massive change – both political and strategic – and these could impact the world. While on one hand after Bahrain and UAE normalizing their relations with Israel many other Islamic countries are expected to follow the suit on the other hand Iran and Israel are pitted against each other as never before. Though India has normal relations with all countries in the region and it pursues a policy of not interfering in internal matters of other countries, these developments could impact us too. Establishing normal diplomatic relations between the Arab and Israel is a good augury for all the countries dealing with radical Islam. If Saudi Arab can be friends with the Jewish State then the radicals in other countries would have no justification is spreading hate against other religions and wooing young Muslims in the name of Islam. Pakistan, in particular, would lose its case of pursuing hate against India at the official level, and could, in the long, run out of reason for sending terrorists to wage jihad in India. However, the conflict between Iran and Israel has become a source of tension and if it remains unresolved or if the USA interferes it would offset the gains in favour of peace.