The United Nations Military operations Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) is the kind of setup that drains the resources of the world body. It’s a humongous office with staff, premises both in Srinagar, Delhi and in Islamabad in Pakistan that stands like a static scarecrow in a field of which no bird is scared of. Isn’t it time for this office to be disbanded a good seven decades after it was established and had been ineffective in changing anything in Jammu and Kashmir. For the beginners on what should have been a naturally dead issue, the officers of the UNMOGIP are free to travel across the Line of control in Kashmir. This gives them first-hand account of the infiltration, terrorist camps in Pakistan occupied Kashmir and open material and training support of Pakistan to Kashmiri youth and later sending mercenaries to the valley. How could the UNMOGIP officers play mute to the scenario unfolding before them and yet did nothing.
There is no logic behind the group occupying a prime property in Srinagar and its officials being paid a hefty amount each month from the deleting coffers of the United Nations. The group was set up to implement the ceasefire after Pakistan had attacked Jammu and Kashmir and India had approached the UN Security Council against the aggressor. Its officers were supposed to monitor the ceasefire and the subsequent follow up on the UNSC resolution. It was ineffective in making Pakistan withdraw its army from the POK to fulfill the first condition of the resolution. The resolution gathered dust and yet the UNMOGIP kept its presence that was of no consequence to India. Also after the whittling down of the Article 370, the group has no business to deliver. India has made its decision on J&K – its an equal part of the country – and India stands committed to the Shimla agreement with Pakistan on resolving any bilateral issue. It’s time for the UN secretary general to disband the UNMOGIP.