With the Taliban making advances in many parts of the country Afghanistan is on the edge. The professionals are fleeing in anticipation of the hardline Islamist rule of the Taliban that prohibits women from working and enjoying rights. The citizens including women have taken up arms against the Taliban to defend their cities. Surely the worst is yet to come even after there is a truce in the country between the warring Lords. This year Afghanistan experience a level of drought leading to food shortages; Covid is raging yet the focus of the government has to be on warding the territory. Now people are fleeing the country in panic; women are buying burqa in bulk and people are applying for passports in panic.
In this fluid situation, while all neighbouring countries are chipping in to ensure that some degree of peace comes to Afghanistan However, countries like Pakistan are unable to help for it’s so unrealistic about the overall situation after admitting that it has no influence or control over the Taliban. However, Islamabad is only worried about India. While lakhs of Afghans face a bleak future, starvation, fratricidal war etc that the world is trying to pre-empt, Pakistan’s singular focus is on chasing India and spreading false stories against it.